
From the blog

Exuberant Announcements

It is with great exuberance that I am writing my first blog on our new website http://www.HarmoniousMusic.com.

Music has always been a huge part of my life. Some of my earliest memories have involved music. One such recollection is of joyfully laying on my parents old golden cigarette, burned wall-to-wall rug listening to The Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel at 33rpm.

That excitement still remains today, whether I’m listening to Charles Mingus driving down the road, performing at CD release parties to intimate groups of 50 or playing to crowds of 1,000s over an open field. It’s truly amazing, now I can even broadcast my own recordings over the internet and share them with others all for free.

So it’s with a high level of jubilation that I post my first blog out to cyberspace all while writing about one of my favorite subject matters music.

Think back, what exuberance has music brought into your life? Please share some of your personal memories about music whether it be the song that was played on your wedding day or just a new song you heard on the radio driving to work this morning.

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