Many of today’s wedding traditions base their origins from the customs of Ancient Rome. A key example is the Wedding Processional. However, many of the Roman’s customs have changed quite a bit over the past 2,000 years. In ancient days, the Roman wedding processional began at the bride’s house where[…]

The Cornet and its Civil War Virtuoso Patrick Gilmore
Written and Illustrated by Eric Ortner for The Civil War Courier in 1999 Music was an important part of the Civil War. It called the beginning and end of the day, and was a means for the commander to communicate with his troops in a heated battle. As well as[…]
Exuberant Announcements
It is with great exuberance that I am writing my first blog on our new website Music has always been a huge part of my life. Some of my earliest memories have involved music. One such recollection is of joyfully laying on my parents old golden cigarette, burned wall-to-wall[…]